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  • 1. Diversity and differences in the envvironment

    Close your eyes and calm your breathing. Focus on your senses one by one. What do your ears hear? What does your nose smell?..
  • 2. Seasons, nature and colours

    “In the summer and winter, Ounasvaara and Pöyliövaara are each as green and beautiful as the other, but in the spring, when the light of the sun brings the leaves back to life, there’s no missing just how different their trees are. Ounasvaara, covered in conifers, is as evenly green as ever, but Pöyliövaara is dotted with spots of a brighter shade – broad-leaved trees waking up after the winter. In the summer, the conifers and broad-leaved trees take on similar colours and blend together once again, but in the autumn, when the leaves turn red and yellow, Pöyliövaara glows warmly in its bright colours, while Ounasvaara remains as green as ever. Look closely at the view in front of you...
  • 3. Individual identity and loneliness (empowerment)

    Which ones are conifers and which are broad-leaved trees? How do they differ from each other? What kinds of characteristics do different tree species have? Find a birch tree and examine it with all your senses...
  • 4. Bullying and the acceptance of diversity

    “‘You’re useless,’ said the little pine, still so short it barely poked out from between the rocks. ‘You’re no use to anybody. Look at my needles. The little pine was so self-assured because no danger had ever approached it...
  • 5. Longing and the need to be accepted

    Together, think about what it means to feel longing. Give examples from your own life of when and how you’ve experienced longing. How does longing affect you? How do you deal with longing?..
  • 6. Being seen, heard and understood. Valuing yourself and others

    “That night was the first moonlit night of the winter and the wedding of the smallest elf boy and the smallest elf girl. The bride was the youngest and smallest of 365 siblings. That was why her wedding was so late. Her siblings had celebrated theirs in the summer, when the cherry trees and the lilies bloomed...